20 Jahre
20 Jahre AMIS Hüftendoprothetik-minimalinvasive Hüftoperation
Mehr als 2000 selbst durchgeführte Amis Hüftoperationen .
30 Jahre Erfahrung in Hüftendoprothetik
In June 2004 I started implanting hip prostheses in Upper Austria using the minimally invasive anterior approach - also known as AMIS technology - in a muscle-friendly manner. This surgical method, which was brought to Upper Austria at the time, is now standard at Orthopädie Gmunden.
Ich konnte die muskelschonende Amis Hüftoperationstechnik seither bei über zweitausend Hüftimplantationen anwenden.
This minimally invasive surgical procedure has proven itself particularly in complex initial operations such as dysplasia or arthrosis caused by accidents, but also in revision surgery on the socket and the prosthesis shaft.
Prosthesis plain bearings can also be changed in this way to preserve the muscles.
Advantages of the AMIS technology:
- Only a small incision is required
- The muscles remain uninjured
- Change operations can be carried out safely
- The technology is safe:
- Nerves and vascular injuries are hardly possible
- The risk of infection is low
Implants :
- Titanium implants with the most modern design
- Surface structure optimized for good healing: titanium plasma spray + HA coating
- AMIS Proxima Schaft :verkürzter,knochenschonender Schaft mit hoher Primärstabilität
- MPACT Pfanne : hemisphärische Titanpfanne ,mectagrip Beschichtung
Sliding pair :
- Ceramic-ceramic pairing INFO: (BIOLOX Delta)
- Ceramic polyethylene pairing