The Shock wave therapy Relieves pain in tendons, ligaments, muscles and fasciae and stimulates regeneration.
This can cause degenerative changes to tendons, muscles and fasciae focused shock wave heal . It can also be used to reach deeper structures such as tendons and ligaments around the hips.
- Shoulder: Calcified shoulder and tendon irritation
- Elbows: tennis elbow, golfer's elbow
- Neck and back pain: tension, fascia and muscle pain points
- Hip: Trochanteric pain from tendinitis
- Knee: Patellar tendon syndrome, rectus tendon tendinosis
- Foot: heel spur, Achilles tendon problems
Device: Wolf Piezowave 60
This powerful device makes it possible medium-energy focused shock wave therapy up to 6 cm deep.
The therapeutic efficiency is not possible with cheaper linear devices, especially with deeper structures!
Mode of action:
The piezo crystals embedded in the concave transducer generate sound impulses that are superimposed in the focus to form a pressure wave - the shock wave. This triggers changes in the tissue that lead to the release of regenerative messenger substances (mediators). This is how damaged tissue heals. Recently, this regenerative effectiveness has also been successfully proven on damaged myocardial tissue.